Course Series in Medical Microbiology


These courses are offered jointly with School of Professional and Continuing Education, HKU for clinical laboratory personnel who were trained in other specialties but would like to acquire the knowledge and techniques to enable them to work proficiently in Medical Microbiology. "Basic Medical Microbiology Techniques" will be the first course and will start from 19 September, 2002. Number of seats is limited but priority will be given to our members. Details can be obtained through the websites of HKMTA or HKU SPACE, or call Mr. Arnold S.Y. Foo at 2855-4805 or Ms. Jacqueline Wong at 2975-5698.

Finance assistance is available for applicants (HKID card holders) working in private laboratories with less than 50 employees. They are eligible to apply for the training grant from the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Training Fund. For inquiries please contact the SME Training Fund Unit at 4/F, Trade and Industry Department Tower, 700 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Telephone no. : 23985126, Fax no. : 23960545, Email :, Homepage :