Save The Earth Electronically

The HKMTA Newsletter is a bimonthly publication of the Association, which informs members the academic activities and delivers news from the related authorities once every two months. However if you would like to receive news more frequently, even between two issues of the Newsletter, you should consider receiving the publication electronically. All you have to do is to send your email address to the Webmaster of the Association via or update the information through “Member’s Communication” at our website, indicating that you would like to receive “eNews” – the electronic version of the HKMTA Newsletter instead of the hard copy. You will then receive electronic messages via the computer in due course until you instruct the Webmaster otherwise. Choosing “eNews” guarantees that you will receive Association’s news more frequently and promptly, in addition you are also helping to save the earth by consuming less paper.

If you do not have an email address, you can apply for one now through the “Member’s Communication” at our website, The 20Mb email account is free of charge exclusively for HKMTA members.