Survey Three 2002


Warthin-Starry's Silver Method

The section shows a stomach with Helicobacter pylori infection, which is believed to be the main cause of gastric ulcer. The bacteria (arrows) were here stained black against a dark yellow-brown background. Development in hydroquinone is the critical part of this technique. Overdevelopment will give the aforesaid results.

One-third of the participants prepared the 1% silver nitrate in pH4 buffer and the remaining two-third prepared it in pH3.6. Half of the participants also toned the sections with sodium thiosulphate. However there was no relationship between the performance of the participants with the choice of the above-mentioned. The best result is obtained by silver impregnation for 30 min. at 43 oC. The developer solution was made up with 12 ml of 2% silver nitrate, 30 ml of 5% gelatin, and 16 ml of 0.15% hydroquinone. The section was then developed in it for 45 sec. at 54 oC.


Last updated on 9 November, 2002.

Prepared by HKIMLSQAP Anatomical Pathology Panel.

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